We all have a responsibility to help advance financial inclusion, support ethical actors, and continuously uphold the integrity of the ecosystem. Help us develop toward a Common Goal to expand access to low-cost financial services to fight poverty by providing easy accessible technology stack.
Giving is not just about make a donation its about making a difference.
As of this published we are providing for 3000 stores and individual to be able to accept digital payment worldwide for free on btcpayprovider.com . Your donation will help farther our development www.lbtil.com
This Crowdfunding is an application which you can launch from BTCPayServer free host (btcpayprovider.com ) interface that allows you to create a self-hosted funding campaign, like gofundme, Kickstarter or Indiegogo. Unlike traditional crowdfunding platforms, the creator of the campaign is the owner of the platform. Funds go directly to the creator’s wallet without any fees.